Thursday, January 16, 2020

And I Take Great Pleasure in Introducing Maria D.

Introducing ME:

Aka: Maria Dawson

I talked a little bit about myself in the test post for our class however in case you did not get a chance to read it I will reiterate the information! For starters, I am originally from a small town in Oklahoma called Perkins (15 miles south of OSU) I usually just say Stillwater so I do not have to go through all the "wheres that" questions. I am currently living in Oklahoma City with my boyfriend and our two dogs in a house we just purchased together with this past September. This was definitely one of the most terrifying things I have ever done! I am a person who LOVES change I want to do different things all the time, however, knowing that we own this house and can change it however I want makes me feel better! 
(Here we are in front of our new home!)

A little bit about my professional life and what I would like to do with it! I am currently a senior and will graduate in May with a BA in Community Health. One day I would love to continue my education and get a Master's degree in epidemiology but for now, I am taking a gap year (or 2 or 3) until I feel ready to get back into gear. If you have any ideas on what I can do with this time or the best place to find a job let me know! I am currently working part-time as a behavioral therapist for kids with Autism at CLASS Norman.  
(Graduation cap from Sharijo)

Outside of work and school, I enjoy watching Youtube and Netflix, traveling, hiking, and DIYing or upcycling. Please leave me some new Netflix recommendations what I watch the most are true crime and comedy shows! I have two doggies Cooper who is a Siberian Husky and just turned two and Gunner who is a German Shepherd and just turned one. I am excited to read everyone's posts and please tell me someone got the reference in my title! 
                      (Gunner)                                                    (Cooper)


  1. Hey, Maria!

    First off, I love your blog design. It is so cute! I too love DIY projects; I am constantly at Hobby Lobby trying to find something for my next project. Recently, I have been painting a lot of old furniture to make it nice again. Although I am more of a cat person myself, your German Sheppards are absolutely adorable with those ears! Other than that, your job as a behavioral therapist really interests me! My sister does something very similar, and it takes a lot of passion! It was nice to read a bit about you, and I look forward to hearing more from you!

  2. How exciting to have a home of your own... and with dogs to share it with! That's wonderful, Maria! And wow, I am guessing everybody is guessing a crash-course right now in the incredible importance of both community health and epidemiology. (As I write this WHO has just now declared a global health emergency because of the coronavirus...)
    And your work at CLASS sounds really intense and important. It can be so complicated to find the right way to help each child; someone I know from college had twins who were autistic, and even though they were twins, their needs were really different.
    Something that might be of interest: one of the people who originally developed Canvas, Brian Whitmer, left the company to pursue a different technology in order to help his daughter (who has Rett Syndrome): it's a communication system called CoughDrop. If you're curious, you can find out more here: CoughDrop. Brian is a real edtech hero in my opinion; I am a fan. :-)

  3. Hello Maria! Believe it or not I know where Perkins is! (Although I'm from Oklahoma so that probably doesn't count) Congratulations on buying a house. I had one for a bit and I know that is such a daunting thing to undertake! May is super close; that's so awesome! School requires SO much time and as a non-traditional student I can say it's nice to have a bit of time off to reevaluate everything - so my recommendation is take as much time as you need. I like watching a ton of documentaries, BUT I jumped into the hype trained and started watching "The Witcher" series on Netflix and I've been pleasantly surprised and would recommend if that's your cup of tea. Good luck on your last semester!

  4. Hi Maria!
    OMG! Your dogs are so cute! It's so cool that you work with kids who have Autism. How did you get started working as a behavioral therapist? I, too, spend a good amount of time on Netflix. I've been on a true crime kick lately and have watched Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez and Don't F with Cats in the past couple of weeks, both of which were really good if you like that sort of thing.

  5. Maria,

    That is so cool that you have a place of your own, definitely scary but I am glad you made the choice to buy! It is nice always having a place to call home and return too! I also love watching youtube, I could spend hours looking through, and I recently started my own channel as well. Good luck in the rest of class and with deciding the future!

  6. Hi Maria! First off your dogs are very cute! I am a big dog person so I always love dog pictures on people's blogs. Congratulations on the new house! I have never bought a house before but I can imagine it is a tedious process. I don't watch a lot of shows on Netflix but all my friends seem to enjoy a show called Lucifer so if you ever find yourself wanting something new to watch there is a suggestion!

  7. Hi Maria!

    I feel like I should know the reference in your title, but I can't quite remember where it's from! It's driving me a little crazy haha. I for sure understand your need for a gap year. I'm working on my Bachelor's and I can't wait to be done. I don't know how people can do a Bachelor's and a Master's back-to-back. You're dogs are very beautiful and congrats on the house! Best of luck this semester.

  8. Hi maria! congrats in graduating soon! Your dogs are adorable! also congrats in your new home. I can definitely see why that is a scary new change. I am also taking a gap year after I graduate I just felt its better to really pay off school without getting more debt and studying for the GRE and shadowing because i am planning to go to PA school. Great job! have an amazing semester!

  9. Hey, Maria!

    Wow, you own your own house already! That's awesome, I'm sure it was a huge and scary step to take. Your dogs are soo cute. I also love hiking, I always find that it helps me release stress and nothing is better than enjoying nature. What are your favorite places to hike in Oklahoma? I find it hard to find many. It's great that you work with kids with Autism, it must feel like a very fulfilling job. What is your favorite part of your job? I hope you have an awesome last semester!

  10. Hi Maria! Congratulations on buying a new house! That is a huge step and is so cool that you already have that figured out! Your two dogs also are very cute and also have very cute names. When looking through your post I didn't know what upcycling was so I had to google it but that is very creative to take something and use your creativity to change it into something else!

  11. Hey, Maria

    Your blog looks so awesome how'd you find that theme?! Do you love watching HGTV as well?!; I find myself with it constantly playing in the background of what I am doing. I am such a dog person and want a husky so bad but my roommate cant have dogs so i will have to wait! Your job as a behavioral therapist is so interesting! My mom is a marriage and family therapist, and it takes a lot of passion! It was great to learn some insight on you through your intro! Good luck and keep cranking.

  12. First off I wanted to tell you that I love your dogs and they are both great looking! I love animals myself so when people put pictures up of their pets I instantly get excited. That's really exciting that you bought your own house, I can't imagine owning my own house but also can't wait. I wish you best of luck with your last semester and finding a job!

  13. Hello! It was great reading more about you! It’s super cool that you’re a behavioral therapist. I would actually love to learn more about your experience working with kids and how you got that position. Were there certifications you needed to acquire before hand or??? Also, it’s super cool that you’re majoring in community health. Another classmate is a senior majoring in community health. For those gap years, I’m assuming you want to take a break from all the homework and studying but you could also get your master’s degree in public health somewhere. It only takes two years so not that long! Also, it was awesome seeing your dogs. I wish the best of luck to you and everything else.

  14. Hey Maria! For starters, you have gorgeous dogs! I German shepherds; my family has an Australian shepherd and she is the best. Also, congratulations on moving to a new house! That sounds like an exciting new adventure. I hope you are enjoying your last portion of undergrad. at OU, it goes by so fast. That's neat that you work as a behavioral therapist! Good luck on your endeavors as you graduate and move on. I'm looking forward to reading your stories, pleasure to meet you!

  15. Hi Maria,
    First off your dogs are so cute! I definitely side with you on potentially taking a gap year or two. More important to be at your best when you are taking all of your hardest classes and doing your most important work than getting it done as soon as possible. In terms of comedies I would recommend I would say Futurama, Scrubs, Brooklynn-99 and Malcolm in the Middle are just a few of my favorites that tend not to get mentioned as much as other shows!

  16. Hey Maria!
    Congrats on purchasing your new house with your boyfriend. I bet that was a fun adventure and I cannot wait until I buy my first. Also, it’s great that you are graduating this may even though coronavirus has shut down school and ceremonies. A gap year is a smart thing to do and I wished I had done it after high school because I wouldn’t be in college now ha. Anyway hope the rest of you semester goes well.

  17. Hi Maria!

    That is super impressive that you were able to get a house! I hope to get my own one day, and to have it with someone you love is awesome! Also - your dogs are so cute. They're going to be such great company! Congrats, also, on being so close to graduate. I am a Senior myself in a health field, so I see some similarities, and I wish you the best of luck in your future semesters and career!

  18. Hi Maria,

    You have your life so much more put together than me! You sound like you have a good plan for the future– I hope you find a fulfilling job to keep you occupied during your gap year. I'm going to law school next semester, and honestly, I'm sure that I'm gonna regret not taking a break! As for Netflix recommendations, you should watch Community. It just got put on Netflix for the first time, and it's one of my favorite sitcoms.

  19. Hi Maria,

    What absolutely BEAUTIFUL dogs you have!! And the bandanas you have on them, absolutely brilliant. Okay enough about the cute dogs, let's talk more about you! First off, I would like to say that you seem to have your life well put together, while I'm still deciding what I want to do with my life haha. Anyways, your part-time job working with kids with autism is absolutely inspiring, and working with them surely makes you feel fulfilled. It's wonderful!

  20. Hey Maria! I've already commented on your project, so congrats on getting a house with your FIANCE!!! You really seem to have your life together, and I must say I'm super jealous. I'm thinking about renting a house after graduation, but I'm not gonna be in a position to buy anytime soon. As everyone has said, Cooper and Gunner are super adorable! My own pup (well, the family pup) is a German Shepherd/Cattle Dog mix (we think - she's a rescue). She thankfully has the giant Shepherd ears! They're so cute and soft!!! Hopefully you're doing well in all of this coronavirus craziness. You're so close! Finish strong!

  21. Hi Maria,

    It is great to meet you! Your puppies are adorable, I love their little bandanas!! I'm also from a small town, so we have that in common. I think it is awesome that you purchased a house, congradulations! Wow, I really admire your job working for CLASS. I've actually been very interested in work in that field since I am a psychology major! It's so nice to see that you have such a great future planned out for yourself. I wish you all the best!!

  22. Hi Maria! I am also a senior who is graduating this May and am hoping to get a masters degree in the future. It is super sad that we wont get and actual graduation ceremony at least for now. Both your dogs look adorable and make me want to get a dog. I currently have 2 cats but have been wanting a dog for awhile now. Best of luck the rest of this semester!
