Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata, Parts C

By: Maria Dawson
I love this picture of a lake by PXFeul this is what I picture for my future story. 

One thing I noticed right off the bat with this week's reading is how many characters are in each story. Because of this I would like to focus today reading notes by trying to find one character out of all that was talked about. For this character, I want to either base my story off what exactly they were doing in this story or try to find a small detail and write a story over this. 

I felt the most drawn to Nakula in the story of The voice in the lake. In this story, the author states, "Nakula finds a lake, but a voice tells him that, before drinking, he must answer some questions. Nakula ignores the voice, drinks, and dies. I am drawn to this part of the story because I feel like a lot happened in these two sentences. I would like to create an entire story for this character because there is a lot that I see that I could create for this scene with a lot of details. 

The Mahabharata: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic Chapter:The voice in the lake by R. K. Narayan

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